The Real Reason For The Empath And Narcissist Relationship

The situation that an empath has in their life when they’re involved with a narcissistic person is not about the relationship itself or about the other person, why the narcissist is the way they are, why they do the things they do or why they hurt the empath so much. That situation is only about the empath […]

5 Showing Signs That Your Life Is Undergoing A Massive Change

A massive transformation in people’s lives (sometimes known as a spiritual awakening) might feel overwhelming and difficult to navigate as the changes inside yourself and in your physical reality might seem to much to bear. So, if you too feel “something is happening” in your life, continue to read. I’ve been there myself on this […]

The Human Design And How It Connects You To Your Inner Power

The human design is something I only found out later in life and I wish I knew about this many many years before. And the reason I wish that is because when I found out about it, I just realised how due to conditioning and limiting beliefs I’ve spent years acting and doing things that […]