Free Tarot Reading



Think about a question, situation or person for the topic you choose (Love, Work, Friendship or Money).

Click on the image below each deck to shuffle the cards:

Then click on the image to show the letter:

Then click on the letter to read its meaning.

Tarot For Love

  • Present Situation

    The reversal of a situation brings powerlessness, doubt,
    reunification, brings stillness and reflection. The head the rational mind – no longer controls so that a new and greater sense of life can emerge. Old pattern of behavior will die and with willingness and a full acceptance of the suffering that might be required implies an acceptance of waiting in darkness. This situation opens ourselves to life and life can hurt us, we feel terrible vulnerable. But this price of giving up our defenses and making the journey into loneliness seems to be necessary for any real sense of what supports us – the true faith can only be gained through risking ourselves in life.
    Negative: Suffering in order to manipulate others, staying passive about a situation from which one could extricate oneself quite easily.

  • What Does It Feel For You

    Associated with the lion we have an image of courage, strength and self-discipline of totally egocentric beginnings of a unique individuality. It’s the “me first drive” which will happily destroy anyone or anything in its path, so long as one’s own gratification is assured. This lesson of harnessing one’s aggression and directing it toward a creative end. Will courage pride and labor, going for it for the lust of life. Strength applied to joyful purpose. Through such an experience we come in contact with the beast but also with the hero, emerging from this contest with trust in oneself and integrity towards others. The lion within is the image of the infantile savage and royalty, interpreted as vigor.
    Negative: Repressed instinct without any transformation, leaving behind a strong shell within a soul without passion and without a true identity.

  • Obstacles

    Time when the rewards of past efforts appear. This is a period of summing-up, of a realization of what we have been doing and where we ourselves have created the future which now awaits us. This awakening is a clear perception of the extent to which we have been able to be true to ourselves. And for all our self-betrayals we ask for forgiveness and generosity, to drop our guilt-feelings and to find our self-value again. Through inspection and understanding we can forgive ourselves, here we are open for self-criticism and mutation, here mistakes and creative efforts of the past are gathered together to form the future – the beginnings of a more responsible and complete personality. The judge is inside us, not outside in the world.
    Negative: Self-made-prison.

  • Result

    Life’s generosity arises from within the individual himself or herself. It is harvest and celebration of one’s good luck and fortune. Give without conditions, life doesn’t judge like society. It is giving and taking and enjoying the sensual pleasure of life, abundance, fertility and health. Also small earnings, balance between debit and credit, money or substance to be shared, restoration through the generosity or charity of others, renewal of faith and success.
    Negative: Overindulgence, exaggerated.

Tarot For Work

  • Present Situation

    The long past of avoidance, of inferiority complex and overestimation leads towards a situation of duplicity and interference. It is a portrait of painful conscience of one’s own part in creating the present mess, a situation of bondage through fear and therefore it is a shock. We must respect responsibility and try to understand what we truly want and act once and for all. This enforces a strong willpower and logical thinking, authority and optimism. With mental brilliance we take the probable consequences of any choice and then it is too late to regret even if there is again fear of confrontation to avoid hurting and again there is manipulation…
    Negative: Anguish caused by too much reflection, incapable to act because of fear of the consequences, dullness, manic-depressive.

  • What Does It Feel For You

    Here comes the image of the true romantic and poetic spirit, the worshipper of love who is the defender of perfect love, which ultimately exists only in the spirit. But anyhow it is time for the individual to experience the sensitive dimension of love, he falls in love and there can be also a marriage. But he still idealizes the mother, his first love and seeking the ultimate experience of holy love and mere bodily satisfaction does not interest him. With his receptivity he is intuitive and even clairvoyant, but at the same time highly impressionable, still subject to crazes and passions, emotionally naive and vulnerable. It is an initiation and the awakening of sexuality. Be ready for enchantment.
    Negative: Lonely and exploited.

  • Obstacles

    Associated with the lion we have an image of courage, strength and self-discipline of totally egocentric beginnings of a unique individuality. It’s the “me first drive” which will happily destroy anyone or anything in its path, so long as one’s own gratification is assured. This lesson of harnessing one’s aggression and directing it toward a creative end. Will courage pride and labor, going for it for the lust of life. Strength applied to joyful purpose. Through such an experience we come in contact with the beast but also with the hero, emerging from this contest with trust in oneself and integrity towards others. The lion within is the image of the infantile savage and royalty, interpreted as vigor.
    Negative: Repressed instinct without any transformation, leaving behind a strong shell within a soul without passion and without a true identity.

  • Result

    Here we meet the feminine beauty, she embodies the hypnotic power of the feminine and is a catalyst for the emergence of deep feelings, which are bottomless. The image of unconscious, of intense passion and fate. As a mystery herself, motivated by her own secret purposes, introverted and magical loves she wholeheartedly or hates. She is both virginal and harlot, a calculator and a victim. A mature woman, caring and loving, has experienced an eventful and emotional life and is consequently sympathetic to the problems of others. She is capable of activating the depths in others and calls action and conflict without doing anything at all.
    Negative: Stirs up trouble wherever she goes, defies rational analysis, can live her life through others and neglect her own reality.

Tarot For Friendship

  • Present Situation

    Represents the application of mental energy in a cautious, wily and diplomatic way in order to gain the end desire. But one cannot be sure of the rightness or moral integrity of the goal and the mind can be cold and manipulative. Live may require us to develop such attributes like politicians and priests have, even if our nature dislike such obvious cunning. When we loose our ambition through weakness of will we fight difficulties, compromise and betrayal, unintentional or otherwise, we are restless and destructive. All this is about to take a risk in order to get out of a boring situation, regardless of the consequences.
    Negative: Opposing convention just to draw attention to oneself.

  • What Does It Feel For You

    The encounter with material ambition and its challenges and rewards can be a productive and healing one. It is success through cleverness, discipline, activity and dynamic, the right qualities of leadership, authority and realism. This unashamed materialist is healthy and strong and he is pride of his achievement for power and recognition in the eyes of others. His need for material security brought him to receive this gift of manifesting creative ideas in the world, together with the radiating sun, the source of energy and creativity. So take up the challenge of worldly things, encounter this material self-confidence and it becomes at the same time a lesson about greed and the let go of material desires – a creation of inner and outer richness.
    Negative: Corruption, narrow bigoted chauvinist man, lazy, loneliness, above others.

  • Obstacles

    A new beginning with ambition, will, aggression and competitive instinct, with enthusiasm and vitality moves beyond boredom and daily routine. This victory is a combination of physical, intellectual and spiritual powers and reflects the potential for both good and evil. On an inner level, the chariot is an image of the aggressive instincts guided and directed by the will of consciousness. It means to face the anger and conflict which he has invoked with his desire to possess a beautiful object, the choice of his love. It is a change to good, an introspection and this conflict cannot be avoided, but needs to be faced with strength and containment.
    Negative: lust for destruction, brute strength and lack of refinement.

  • Result

    Here we meet the nascent and unformed beginnings of the element of air, to formulate our own ideas and concepts and to express these to others. Yet this original and independent thought seems to be childlike and comes out of curiosity but this use of mental power is important to gain respect. Normally he has been accustomed to accept the views of others but he gets into action when he sees injustice and is devoted to a companion in whom he believes.
    Negative: A fanatic or extremist, gossip can wound, spiteful and revengeful.

Tarot For Money

  • Present Situation

    Associated with the lion we have an image of courage, strength and self-discipline of totally egocentric beginnings of a unique individuality. It’s the “me first drive” which will happily destroy anyone or anything in its path, so long as one’s own gratification is assured. This lesson of harnessing one’s aggression and directing it toward a creative end. Will courage pride and labor, going for it for the lust of life. Strength applied to joyful purpose. Through such an experience we come in contact with the beast but also with the hero, emerging from this contest with trust in oneself and integrity towards others. The lion within is the image of the infantile savage and royalty, interpreted as vigor.
    Negative: Repressed instinct without any transformation, leaving behind a strong shell within a soul without passion and without a true identity.

  • What Does It Feel For You

    Here we have tremendous power of the creative imagination and with this the final struggle before the goal is reached. The creative spirit in human beings cannot be controlled or bent to our will, it is a force that cannot be shaken, it is our strength and stability. Our vitality, radiance and light. The happiness and joy of being honest to oneself, the will to live is at the same time the ability to inspire others. Although it is a state of exhaustion – take this final challenge – you are almost home. With hope and being open to knowledge you can complete this journey. A mystery comes up, detachment of the psyche, understanding is happening.
    Negative: Cruelty through extreme egoistically self-detachment.

  • Obstacles

    This is a personality which initiates new ideas and sells them to others. With his spirit of leadership he has a steady power to manifest his visions, he is outgoing, impulsive and with the element of fire, which symbolizes the creative imagination, he generates change, he is enthusiastic and has self-confidence. He is generous and helpful to those he believes they have talent and ability. With authority and determination he goes for his wisdom and creates life or he destroys.
    Negative: Impatience, bad loser, male chauvinist, selfishness, fanaticism.

  • Result

    A quantum leap, a bridge between heaven and earth inviting the polar opposites, the creative forces of masculine and feminine, conscious and unconscious, the sun and the moon., fire and water. Connected with the function of feeling, the active, intelligent faculty of choice, a constantly changing bridge between these opposites, a careful sensing of the needs of a particular situation with the goal of harmony and relationship, balance and tolerance at the end. It is an integration of creative power inviting the others to share.
    Negative: Too much harmony oriented, where no change is allowed to occur and the mind suffocates from sheer boredom.