Free Tarot Reading



Think about a question, situation or person for the topic you choose (Love, Work, Friendship or Money).

Click on the image below each deck to shuffle the cards:

Then click on the image to show the letter:

Then click on the letter to read its meaning.

Tarot For Love

  • Present Situation

    Here we meet the feminine beauty, she embodies the hypnotic power of the feminine and is a catalyst for the emergence of deep feelings, which are bottomless. The image of unconscious, of intense passion and fate. As a mystery herself, motivated by her own secret purposes, introverted and magical loves she wholeheartedly or hates. She is both virginal and harlot, a calculator and a victim. A mature woman, caring and loving, has experienced an eventful and emotional life and is consequently sympathetic to the problems of others. She is capable of activating the depths in others and calls action and conflict without doing anything at all.
    Negative: Stirs up trouble wherever she goes, defies rational analysis, can live her life through others and neglect her own reality.

  • What Does It Feel For You

    Here we meet the nascent and unformed beginnings of the element of air, to formulate our own ideas and concepts and to express these to others. Yet this original and independent thought seems to be childlike and comes out of curiosity but this use of mental power is important to gain respect. Normally he has been accustomed to accept the views of others but he gets into action when he sees injustice and is devoted to a companion in whom he believes.
    Negative: A fanatic or extremist, gossip can wound, spiteful and revengeful.

  • Obstacles

    Achievement of financial and material security. Being established and successful in one’s career or ambitions. The manifestation of self-worth through material values. This character has integrity and confidence, claims his own territory, house and property and maintains his comfort and position in life. This earthly power stands for authority and vigilance, for wealth, investments, profit. It is a flow of material resources and competitive challenge in a creative way.
    Negative: Stagnation, greed, anger, fear of letting go, control of the body, block of self-expression.

  • Result

    This is the experience of great fear and anxiety, a nightmare where the sheer power of fantasy is frightening and painful. And then there are guilt feelings because of destructive fantasies and expectations of terrible future outcome. This self punishment includes the fear that a loved one will reject us, or die, or leave us for another, terror of loneliness, illness or isolated old age. The frightening visions are also about financial catastrophe or loss or the collapse of a creative project – the break down is endless cause we believe in misfortune and despair, we are enslaved by them. This fanaticism leads towards passion and sacrifice and transforming thinking, the ability to present a meaningful philosophy, it becomes worship of something higher – the enlightenment.
    Negative: Agony.

Tarot For Work

  • Present Situation

    Image of the permanent and final end of a cycle of life., where sadness is as necessary to life as joy and celebration. Every end is a transformation, a release, a renewal and purification, an opportunity for a new life, if one can let go of the old one. Whether or not this experience is painful depends upon the person’s capacity to accept and recognize the necessity of endings. It is an inner change, the ability to regenerate and the key to hidden wisdom. Death and rebirth for an unknown future.
    Negative: Depression, because there has not yet been an acknowledgment that a phase of life has died at the same time that a new thing has been born.

  • What Does It Feel For You

    The roots of one’s abilities, talents and potential. Decision to start fresh, open to new possibilities within, not explored yet. Sudden impulse which comes “out of the blue”. Like a young animal driven into life by instinct, not yet conscious or possessed of understanding. The hero of our journey represents the irrational impulse toward change and toward opening life’s horizon into the unknown. These irrational impulses can sometimes be destructive and sometimes creative and often they are both together. Willingness to risk, courage to stand by oneself, independence, freedom, following one’s own feeling, idealism and inspiration.
    Negative: foolish amidst excitement and fear, blind.

  • Obstacles

    This card is all about pleasure and power of attraction, of finding a deep and permanent sense of self-value, a solid identity with unique abilities, to be in a position to enthuse and excite others. It includes good management and success in material matters, it is gain but more than worldly achievement. This satisfaction is dependent upon nothing and no one outside oneself. It is also solitary enjoyment, encounters during journeys, pleasure in self-sufficiency and accomplishment and sharing the magnetic power of one’s wealth or abilities.
    Negative: Phlegmatic, manipulating, attracting “hangers on”.

  • Result

    A young man motivated by his potential of attainment and ambition, by his desire of experience and promotion. First there are small steps together with discipline, inventiveness and cleverness he can build up things in the world and fulfill the needs of the body, the desire to care for oneself better. With time and careful work a wish can develop into something which might lead to something greater. He is practical and helpful if it serves his own purposes. Sometimes he is unaware of support and can’t see the money which is available. It is a delicate beginning of recognition of the value of the material world and it must be nurtured and protected. But then the potential comes to fruition.
    Negative: Ruthless heartless achiever.

Tarot For Friendship

  • Present Situation

    Here comes the image of the true romantic and poetic spirit, the worshipper of love who is the defender of perfect love, which ultimately exists only in the spirit. But anyhow it is time for the individual to experience the sensitive dimension of love, he falls in love and there can be also a marriage. But he still idealizes the mother, his first love and seeking the ultimate experience of holy love and mere bodily satisfaction does not interest him. With his receptivity he is intuitive and even clairvoyant, but at the same time highly impressionable, still subject to crazes and passions, emotionally naive and vulnerable. It is an initiation and the awakening of sexuality. Be ready for enchantment.
    Negative: Lonely and exploited.

  • What Does It Feel For You

    The seeds lead to potential further growth and the first success on the road of material ambitions and experience due to perseverance. Celebrate the outcome, the new opportunities that occur as a result of present achievements. Establishment of the idea of the universe. Work of a physical or constructional nature brings perfection. But it needs hard work and quarrel to strengthen a position and make it permanent and risk before one can count oneself materially secure. Also seeing one’s own limits and consequences, see your capacity, use your business skills, work on your character to handle the future.
    Negative: Overindulgence, conceit.

  • Obstacles

    The fire of imagination – ladder of ambitions and aspirations. Creative potential growth in an enterprise or sexual relationship. Meeting or get-together that may or may not lead to something more important. Creative will in its most exalted form. The adventurer in us moves because we could have more than we have, or be more than we are. And out of restlessness and unformed power one idea leads to another and often the first one is not the final one. Out of the save cave towards the new aim using potentials which are our birthrights. Courage to take new ideas up in both hands to put faith in that invisible creative power which has generated the vision of the new path. Dominion, dynamic, pioneer.
    Negative: Tendency to exaggerate.

  • Result

    This is a powerful instinctual force emerging from the unconscious, stronger than the will’s efforts to repress it, collapse of old forms, inner and outer structure, of false or outgrown values, masks, costumes in a play to impress the audience, structures we build in the outside world to embody our incomplete selves. The tower represents achievement, authority and protection is now in a state of breakdown and dissolution. Let go of fear and the survival instinct to face the unknown implies the fall, ruin, punishment and loss,
    imprisonment and danger. But it also means freedom from stagnation and restriction – a spiritual healing force. This break-through will result in changes occurring in outer life.
    Negative: Without looking inward it can be a stagnant state.

Tarot For Money

  • Present Situation

    Time for meditation, for looking inward bringing light into darkness, the unconscious, watching the dreams. Here we have loneliness, active or passive isolation to connect the higher spiritual self – a communication between spiritual heaven and material earth. A wise leader, finding one’s own light, bringing things to completion, time to harvest, the fruitfulness. We only can reach this maturity with caution and patience, with readiness to reflect upon the “dark side of the moon”. There is an opportunity to build solid foundations if one is willing to wait. Finally there is a deep respect for own limitations in the great passage of the rounds of time.
    Negative: Estrangement, abandonment.

  • What Does It Feel For You

    Moving away from turbulent, difficult feelings toward a calmer and more serene state – the tranquil mind, the learning intellect, successful mental activity. With openness cognition’s come and one has the power to persuade others or to give information. Dignity and self-respect help to balance mental and moral faculties and lead towards a calm peaceful passage. Seeing and understanding, psychology, science, intelligence balanced by humanity. The pleasure of travel, of broadening horizons both mentally and physically.
    Negative: Using smooth talk to deceive and manipulate.

  • Obstacles

    The fire of imagination – ladder of ambitions and aspirations. Creative potential growth in an enterprise or sexual relationship. Meeting or get-together that may or may not lead to something more important. Creative will in its most exalted form. The adventurer in us moves because we could have more than we have, or be more than we are. And out of restlessness and unformed power one idea leads to another and often the first one is not the final one. Out of the save cave towards the new aim using potentials which are our birthrights. Courage to take new ideas up in both hands to put faith in that invisible creative power which has generated the vision of the new path. Dominion, dynamic, pioneer.
    Negative: Tendency to exaggerate.

  • Result

    The great cycle of the Major Arcana ends where it begins, the unborn potential of the personality ultimately leads to the birth of freedom, open to all possibilities, crazy enough to start again. But with the joy of living we have this deep longing to complete. This synthesis brings the objective, this being outside of oneself, no ego – completion of karma. Costumes are of no use anymore, free from chains we are immortal and complete, polarities like male and female melt, integrate within the individuality with it’s potential of imagination, feeling, mind and matter. We are human and therefore imperfect and the divine androgen is beyond our reach – there lies our total victory, waiting for us all the time.