Manifestation is a never-ending adventure of learning and creation. No matter where you are on this journey of yours, you can still become a better manifester and give life to your wildest dreams. Since everything is possible with the law of attraction and your wonderful imagination, why not get better at this amazing mind game, […]
Category: Law of Attraction
Want to manifest your abundant and happy life with the Law of Attraction? Find here all you need to know!
10 Positive Law of Attraction Affirmations to Attract Money!
Read the Law of Attraction positive affirmations below whilst you visualize money and abundance flowing into your life. Allow yourself to feel abundant and prosperous, because that is your natural state!
7 Law of Attraction Habits For You To Start in 2024
Many of us see the beginning of a new year as an opportunity to move to a new and better energy. A new beginning and a desire to live our best life and manifest all that we want. The Law of Attraction is made up of decisions and desires, but it is also made up of consistent action. We live in a physical world and we have to act consistently and persistently in the direction of what we want to attract. So here are 7 great Law of Attraction habits to start in 2024, to continue throughout the year and watch your life changing! 1. Practice Gratitude This is undoubtedly one of the most important habits of the Law of Attraction. To be grateful for the present moment and for what you have in the now and to enjoy what you have in a happy way is a powerful energy to attract more things to be grateful for! When you are grateful and value what you have, not only are you enjoying your best life in the here and now, but you send a powerful message to the universe that says, “bring me more things to be grateful for!” So practice gratitude every day of your life, from the smallest things to the greatest. 2. Take Care of Yourself Your well-being must always be the priority. Nobody can attract good things and live their best life with a low, tired and resentful energy. So make the habit of taking good care of yourself. Eat healthily, do exercise you like, sleep enough, every day have moments of relaxation and rest, drink plenty of water, go out and get sunlight, and distance yourself from negative people and situations. Taking good care of yourself is very important in order to raise your vibration and attract better things in your life. It’s also a way to live the things you want to attract the best way possible, with a healthy body and mind. 3. Journaling Make the habit of every day writing in a journal what you feel and […]
New Year Resolutions for 2024!
The year 2023 can be interpreted as a year 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 = 8, which means new beginnings and long-term achievements. A phase has ended and a new and more aligned one begins. The year 2024 is full of new energy and alignment with who we truly are. So here are some suggestions for important resolutions for 2024: – To release once and for all everything that does not serve you and does not make you feel good. Just let go. – Have a very clear vision of what you want to manifest in 2024 and decide that this vision will always be more important and have more weight than the current”reality”. – Forgive yourself for accepting less than you deserved and desire and leaving those choices in the past. – In 2024, just accept what makes you feel good and nothing less. – Stop trying to please others. – Knowing that you’re already valuable in the here and now just because you were born and you’re in this world. – Stop pushing anything and let things flow naturally. – Practice gratitude every day for everything you already have. – Delete all “I have to” and replace with “I want to”. – Stop trying to correct what you think is wrong with you, realize that you have nothing wrong with you, accept yourself and appreciate who you are. – Stop looking for validation in others, knowing that the only validation you need is yours. – See yourself as abundant and prosperous. – Hear and honor your inner voice and intuition and follow it knowing that you already have everything you need inside you to live your best life! – Love yourself 100% knowing that self-love is the “magic powder” that makes the Law of Attraction work! I wish you a happy 2024 and have a great time!
How to do Work You Love and Is Your Life Purpose
I remember hearing these words from Mark Twain when I was really young: “Do work you love and you’ll never work a day in your life”. This resonated very deep within me and I committed to myself at that point that I would find my life purpose in this life and will do work I love […]
The Two Secret Law Of Attraction Ingredients to Manifest All You Want
So you have gone through a lot already in your life trying to use the Law of Attraction to manifest what you want: releasing old stuff, believing and owning your power, listening to your intuition, following divine guidance. Now I am going to tell you the secret ingredient to manifest all you want. Let me […]
Letter From Money to You
When we use the Law of Attraction to manifest and attract money, most of the time we use positive affirmations and focus on what we think and feel about money. Today we propose something different to you. What we attract to us is a reflection of the energy we send out. But what we want to attract also wants us. And that includes money. So today, instead of focusing on what you think and feel about money, today it’s going to be money and telling you what it thinks and feels about you. After all, everything is a two-way street. This will also help you bridging the gap the space that you think exists between you and money and realize that money and a steady stream of abundance are already part of you and want to be with you. So here’s what the money wants to tell you: 1. I love being in your life constantly 2. I feel so good when you use me to buy things that make you happy! 3. I love when you pay bills and take care of yourself 4. My purpose is to provide you with everything you desire in your life 5. I feel so happy when I return to your life every day in countless ways 6. I have always been with you in your life and I will always be more and more 7. I deserve to be in your life and your wallet 8. I always come to you in a constant and abundant overflow 9. I love when you open the doors to welcome me! 10. My purpose is to support you and help you to expand into the world 11. I love when you use me to buy things for those you love 12. I trust that you will always have your house open for me to enter many, many times 13. I like it when you relax and rest and I can come to you easily 14. I love it when you see me in your wallet or your bank account and smile at me 15. When you are grateful that you have me in your life, and you thank me, my heart is so great that you double my quantity 16. You are worth my constant presence in your life, and you don’t need to prove it 17. I love when you focus on doing what makes you happy because my role is to help you be happy 18. I like it so much when you don’t limit my quantity and […]
How to Have a Rich Mindset? Know Everything Here!
Manifesting money and an abundant flow of money is the desire of many people when they consciously use the Law of Attraction. But what we really want is not the money itself, it is what it provides us, and most importantly, the good emotions that we want to live and feel with what it provides us. We want to feel fantastic and at peace in our dream home, we want to travel and expand horizons, we want to have our own business and use our talents, we want to give all the best to ourselves and who we love, we want to drive our dream car, etc, etc. In short, we want to live a life full of good emotions. The good part is that abundance is our natural state and having an abundant and continuous overflow of money is possible to anyone, not just to a few “special” ones. The reason why it doesn’t happen to everyone is because many of us are conditioned from an early age to think that money is scarce or that “life is difficult,” those are limiting beliefs coming from other people who don’t have a rich mindset. So, to release that lack and scarcity mentality and get into a rich mindset, here are some precious tips: 1. Change the way you see your money If you’re in the habit of not putting too much value on the money you have because you think it’s “not too much” then just stop it. One million starts with one cent. So every cent you have is worth it. The energy of money is ALWAYS the same, whether you have a cent or a million. The money is the same, the energy is the same. What changes is the quantity, not the quality. So look at the money you have right now and feel its worth. Be grateful for it. Spend it with joy and gratitude. These emotions are a magnet to attract more money. 2. Invest the money you have Instead of just saving money, look for ways to invest the […]
The Top 10 Law of Attraction Books
Looking for the best Law of Attraction books? Look no further! In this article we tell you the top ones, and why you should read them! Mastering the Law of Attraction: Eleven Transformational Steps to Creating an Extraordinary Life, by Sonia Ricotti A practical book that simplifies the application of the famous Law of Attraction as a way of improving your life. This book is a precious help to achieve a life closer to what you want. CLICK HERE TO BUY THIS BOOK The Secret, […]
Signs Your Ex is Coming Back Law of Attraction
Did you break up with your boyfriend but still feel their presence in your life? That is probably due to the Law of Attraction. They are still fixating on you, thinking about you, and wishing they could come back into your life, and somehow you feel those vibes in yourself. There are signs to tell […]