Top 50 Messages From The Book “The Secret”

It is good to know the Messages from the book “The Secret”, after all, this is one of the most famous books in the world that talks about the power of attraction. The messages in this book are wonderful for those who wish to attract a more prosperous and abundant life. Here’s our selection with the best messages in the book to share on all your social media: “Your energy flows to where you focus your attention.” “Your mind is capable of making your reality. What you think you feel, and what you feel you will vibrate, by vibrating you attract. We are beings who vibrate and interact with the Universe.” “Luck is a matter of you being in the right place and at the right time.” “The creation process takes place in three stages: in the first one you ask for what you want, in the second the Universe answers you and in the third you get it. The truth is that what we are is nothing more than the fruit of our thoughts.” “When you’re down, put a smile on your face and move on, if you feel good then continue with it. You attract what you transmit. “The reason most people don’t have what they want is simple: they spend more time thinking about what they don’t want than what they really want for their lives.” “Every man becomes what he thinks.” “The truth is that you are free to make your choices, you are free to choose between concern and joy. Whatever you choose, you will attract. Concern attracts concern and joy attracts joy.” “Everything we live through is the result of our thoughts. Our thoughts function as magnets, are able to attract everything that we focus on with strength and frequency. Nature just responds to that and then we get it.” “If I say I can, I will always be right. If I say I can’t, I’ll be right, too. We are what we think.” “The truth is liberating, but first it will turn you inside out.” “First decide what you want. Then believe you can have it. Believe yourself, then, to be worthy of this and finally believe that it is possible. “You can have everything you want, if you first know how to mold it into your thoughts.” “When you want to meet a person’s mind, listen to what it says. If you want to know your heart, then look at your attitudes.” “What you transmit to the universe, you will receive it back.” “Declare to the Universe that your next few months will be filled with growth, positive change, love and healing. Declare that your life will achieve the advances you want and that you will achieve all your plans.” “You are eternal life. You are God manifesting in human form, accomplished to perfection.” “All power comes from within and is therefore under our control.” “If you don’t fill yourself with love, you have nothing to give to anyone. So it is paramount that I dealt with me first. Treat your happiness first.” “You should change your focus and start thinking about all the things that are wonderful.” “Look for the positive things. By focusing on these things, the law of attraction will show you more amazing things.” “To attract money, focus on wealth. It’s impossible to bring more money into your […]

Law of Attraction: Want to Feel Abundant? Do This Now!

Abundance is your natural state. Abundance and prosperity is what we all are at the core. But many people don’t live in this state of abundance just because they pay attention to limiting beliefs of lack and scarcity, such as: “there’s not enough money for everyone,” or “I’ll never get more than a certain amount,” etc. In order to live in abundance and to manifestar money in a consistent and overflow way, we need to feel abundant in the here and now. Many people find it difficult to do so when they only look at the money they have in the bank account or receive from work. But did you know that there are MANY forms of abundance you have that you don’t even realize? That you are showing up to a lot of money every day and you don’t even see it as manifestation? So if you want to feel abundant here and now, start writing every day the various ways the Universe brings you money. Make a monthly list of everything you manifested and check at the end of the month the amount you’ve made. Here’s my list to help you do yours: – I got a 15% discount on the household appliances I wanted to buy and saved $150 – Found a 50 cent coin on the street – I used a voucher to buy a coffee and saved $2 – I received $300 back from taxes – A friend paid me lunch and I saved $20 – I received a repayment of $50 […]

100 Affirmations To Make The Law of Attraction Work In Your Life

We are energy, and so the universe that involves us as well. Energies and vibrations go around every moment, and they can influence our lives. With the Law of Attraction, you can have a powerful exchange with the universe, and all the vibrations we send are sent back to us. So, adopting positive phrases and attitudes in your everyday life is going in line with good energies, […]

The Real Reason For The Empath And Narcissist Relationship

The situation that an empath has in their life when they’re involved with a narcissistic person is not about the relationship itself or about the other person, why the narcissist is the way they are, why they do the things they do or why they hurt the empath so much. That situation is only about the empath […]

5 Showing Signs That Your Life Is Undergoing A Massive Change

A massive transformation in people’s lives (sometimes known as a spiritual awakening) might feel overwhelming and difficult to navigate as the changes inside yourself and in your physical reality might seem to much to bear. So, if you too feel “something is happening” in your life, continue to read. I’ve been there myself on this […]