Free Tarot Reading



Think about a question, situation or person for the topic you choose (Love, Work, Friendship or Money).

Click on the image below each deck to shuffle the cards:

Then click on the image to show the letter:

Then click on the letter to read its meaning.

Tarot For Love

  • Present Situation

    The star, the guiding vision of hope arises out of the ashes of the tower which has been destroyed. Here comes the harmonious uniting of heaven and earth, the divine protection and power to transcend the mundane world., the inspiration, crystallization, self-confidence, the conjunction with the universal intellect. And the insight that there are endless possibilities of existence we connect with our feeling, instinct, imagination and intuition. It is a symbol of that part of us which, despite disappointment, depression and loss can still cling to a sense of meaning and value and a future might grow out of unhappiness of the past, a time of sincerity, trust and peace.
    Negative: Blind hope.

  • What Does It Feel For You

    Moving away from turbulent, difficult feelings toward a calmer and more serene state – the tranquil mind, the learning intellect, successful mental activity. With openness cognition’s come and one has the power to persuade others or to give information. Dignity and self-respect help to balance mental and moral faculties and lead towards a calm peaceful passage. Seeing and understanding, psychology, science, intelligence balanced by humanity. The pleasure of travel, of broadening horizons both mentally and physically.
    Negative: Using smooth talk to deceive and manipulate.

  • Obstacles

    Here comes the image of the true romantic and poetic spirit, the worshipper of love who is the defender of perfect love, which ultimately exists only in the spirit. But anyhow it is time for the individual to experience the sensitive dimension of love, he falls in love and there can be also a marriage. But he still idealizes the mother, his first love and seeking the ultimate experience of holy love and mere bodily satisfaction does not interest him. With his receptivity he is intuitive and even clairvoyant, but at the same time highly impressionable, still subject to crazes and passions, emotionally naive and vulnerable. It is an initiation and the awakening of sexuality. Be ready for enchantment.
    Negative: Lonely and exploited.

  • Result

    This card embodies a quality of resolute intellectual leadership which is attractive and dynamic in the world. Also power of attainment, strategy- skills of the human mind, diplomacy, cooperation and capacity to innovate changes on the whole. He also is a persuasive speaker, a catalyst, cool, detached and logical. He is ambitious to dominate others through his own ideas and words. And as a man of principles, although these principles sometimes lack the depth of feeling which might relate to an individual situation rather than a general law, he is a brilliant organizer with high ideals, a clever bargainer who impresses others.
    Negative: Manipulates others for his own gain, inner homelessness, a lack of being connected, untrustworthy.

Tarot For Work

  • Present Situation

    A quantum leap, a bridge between heaven and earth inviting the polar opposites, the creative forces of masculine and feminine, conscious and unconscious, the sun and the moon., fire and water. Connected with the function of feeling, the active, intelligent faculty of choice, a constantly changing bridge between these opposites, a careful sensing of the needs of a particular situation with the goal of harmony and relationship, balance and tolerance at the end. It is an integration of creative power inviting the others to share.
    Negative: Too much harmony oriented, where no change is allowed to occur and the mind suffocates from sheer boredom.

  • What Does It Feel For You

    Now it can happen that the individual clings too tightly to the form he has built and is trapped under the weight of worldly responsibilities. The excitement has vanished and alternates with boredom and depression. This card indicates all dualities and opposites. And the state of oppression, new obstacles, difficult engagements and exhaustion can no longer function; imagination must have fresh stimulation to awaken again with a new idea, a new goal and a new gamble. The cycle may begin again.
    Negative: Resisting the inevitable can lead to becoming a victim.

  • Obstacles

    An attractive personality, a lover and a “heart-throb”. It might be a new relationship, a new quality of feeling within a relationship, even the birth of a child. This delicate quality must be nurtured or it can rapidly vanish. It’s about seeing the pleasure life gives rather than the pain after a lost love and the discovery of one’s own worthiness of being loved.
    Negative: Selfishness.

  • Result

    Life’s generosity arises from within the individual himself or herself. It is harvest and celebration of one’s good luck and fortune. Give without conditions, life doesn’t judge like society. It is giving and taking and enjoying the sensual pleasure of life, abundance, fertility and health. Also small earnings, balance between debit and credit, money or substance to be shared, restoration through the generosity or charity of others, renewal of faith and success.
    Negative: Overindulgence, exaggerated.

Tarot For Friendship

  • Present Situation

    This card embodies a quality of resolute intellectual leadership which is attractive and dynamic in the world. Also power of attainment, strategy- skills of the human mind, diplomacy, cooperation and capacity to innovate changes on the whole. He also is a persuasive speaker, a catalyst, cool, detached and logical. He is ambitious to dominate others through his own ideas and words. And as a man of principles, although these principles sometimes lack the depth of feeling which might relate to an individual situation rather than a general law, he is a brilliant organizer with high ideals, a clever bargainer who impresses others.
    Negative: Manipulates others for his own gain, inner homelessness, a lack of being connected, untrustworthy.

  • What Does It Feel For You

    Release of creative energy after the anxieties and struggles of the seven have been overcome. You can see conflict stimulates the imagination, it is an eruption of new visions, vibrant energy like light and electricity. Through active imagination, enthusiasm and swiftness but also through hard work accomplishment will happen, the motion brings insights and confidence constituting matter. Suddenly the born artist comes up, the painter, writer, actor and musician with fruitful creative activity – an accomplishment of the competitive instincts. He is enjoying a position of prominence, fame and esteem.
    Negative: Being trapped by your own reputation, violent but not lasting.

  • Obstacles

    A quantum leap, a bridge between heaven and earth inviting the polar opposites, the creative forces of masculine and feminine, conscious and unconscious, the sun and the moon., fire and water. Connected with the function of feeling, the active, intelligent faculty of choice, a constantly changing bridge between these opposites, a careful sensing of the needs of a particular situation with the goal of harmony and relationship, balance and tolerance at the end. It is an integration of creative power inviting the others to share.
    Negative: Too much harmony oriented, where no change is allowed to occur and the mind suffocates from sheer boredom.

  • Result

    Here comes a big breakthrough, the unexpected luck – a new self-realization, the personal destiny. Whirling energies and the effect of the incalculable
    factor brings the hazard, something new, we call it fate. It can be a sudden change of fortune that overturns the established pattern of life. This is part of the unconscious personality and we only become aware of them through their outward effects, which feel like fate, yet which spring not from some external power but from within the depths of the soul. The wheel is constantly moving, but the center is unchanging – essence of source.
    Negative: Being out of control, burden of fate.

Tarot For Money

  • Present Situation

    This unexpected emotional experience brings disappointment, disturbance of ease, misunderstanding and contradictions. Being forced through outside circumstances to reassess one’s feelings it can be a problematic relationship or a betrayal as a necessary and potentially creative experience. This provoking inevitable conflict brings sadness. Remorse and separation can occur but its not a final ending. Something remains which can be faced and worked on, take up the challenge and make the commitment to the future.
    Negative: Giving up to fate by refusing to deal with reality.

  • What Does It Feel For You

    There is a final trial, a threshold of the new level of awareness – illusion – examination of the subconscious. The moon is seen full only when it is in exact opposition to the sun. It represents the feminine, feelings and the unconscious. It is elusive and fluctuating. This concealment is the end of karma and it represents passivity, a progression in deepening understanding and experience of the world of dreams and images. It is a meeting with a transpersonal world, where individual boundaries dissolve and the sense of direction and ego are lost. A rebirth in the waters of a greater womb, dimly aware that the journey of personal development is only a small fragment of a vast, unknowable life.
    Negative: Resistant activity and mind-energy.

  • Obstacles

    The roots of one’s abilities, talents and potential. Decision to start fresh, open to new possibilities within, not explored yet. Sudden impulse which comes “out of the blue”. Like a young animal driven into life by instinct, not yet conscious or possessed of understanding. The hero of our journey represents the irrational impulse toward change and toward opening life’s horizon into the unknown. These irrational impulses can sometimes be destructive and sometimes creative and often they are both together. Willingness to risk, courage to stand by oneself, independence, freedom, following one’s own feeling, idealism and inspiration.
    Negative: foolish amidst excitement and fear, blind.

  • Result

    This card embodies a quality of resolute intellectual leadership which is attractive and dynamic in the world. Also power of attainment, strategy- skills of the human mind, diplomacy, cooperation and capacity to innovate changes on the whole. He also is a persuasive speaker, a catalyst, cool, detached and logical. He is ambitious to dominate others through his own ideas and words. And as a man of principles, although these principles sometimes lack the depth of feeling which might relate to an individual situation rather than a general law, he is a brilliant organizer with high ideals, a clever bargainer who impresses others.
    Negative: Manipulates others for his own gain, inner homelessness, a lack of being connected, untrustworthy.